Arts and Humanities

  • Arts and Humanities

    Rasmuson Foundation


    This Foundation supports programs specifically serving the Alaskan community in media, film, arts and grants to individual artists.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Arizona Community Foundation


    This foundation focuses on quality education, health innovations, arts and culture, community development, veterans and environmental programs.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Alaska Community Foundation


    This foundation offers grants in two major categories: Competitive and donor advised grants with areas of impact in community development, children and education, arts, culture and more.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Protective Life Foundation


    This Foundation provides grants in Birmingham, AL in the areas of arts and culture, community, education, health, human services and youth.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Daniel Foundation of Alabama


    This foundation supports organizations in the areas of community needs, education, health and arts, culture and community assets.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Surdna Foundation


    Has a strong history of supporting public media initiatives, especially those that engage young people in public life.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Sundance Institute Documentary Fund


    The Sundance Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the discovery and development of independent artists and audiences.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Sprint Foundation


    National giving supports K-12 education and diversity. Local grants have gone to public media.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Sparkplug Foundation


    Limited support for film or video, but a good fit for smaller community radio stations, especially those that serve diverse populations.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Pew Charitable Trusts


    Supports media projects that address one or more of their priority areas.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Lannan Foundation


    Funds public media projects that relate to its goal of supporting exceptional contemporary artists/writers and Native activists in rural indigenous communities.

  • Arts and Humanities

    KeyBank Foundation


    This Foundation supports education and workforce development, as well as local community and civic causes.

  • Arts and Humanities

    GRAMMY Foundation


    Grants up to $20,000 available for archiving and preservation of the music and sound heritage of the Americas.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Educational Foundation of America


    The Foundation has a history of support for public media and may be a prospect for outlets with a contact, especially for common interests such as the arts, the environment or social justice.

  • Arts and Humanities

    Deluxe Corporation Foundation


    Grants made to public media in Minnesota and other company locations.
