Arts and Humanities
Recordings at Risk
CLIR's Recordings at Risk grant program awards $10,000 - $50,000 to preserve "at-risk" recorded content. Deadline: April 14, 2025. -
Arts and Humanities
The American Revolution Initiative (PBS)
Up to $45,000 is available for station grants from PBS LearningMedia. Stations may seek funding to create classroom content for PBS LearningMedia, host in-person teacher learning events, or both. The target audience for content and activities created from the education grants are teachers of grades 3-12, especially those teaching U.S. history, civics and English language arts. Deadline: February 28, 2025. -
Arts and Humanities
Juneteenth Open House Events
In this brand new grant program, NEH will award $30,000 grants for public events tied to Juneteenth Open House events that explore African American history and culture. Suggested activities include documentary screenings followed by group discussions. UPDATE 11-10-2024 The NEH decided not to open this competition at this time. -
Arts and Humanities
The American Revolution Community Engagement Grants
WETA is offering community engagement grants of up to $35,000 in conjunction with the Ken Burns series The American Revolution. Deadline: January 31, 2025. -
Arts and Humanities
Leonardo Community Engagement grants
Community Engagement grants of up to $15,000 are available from WETA to local television stations to support the Ken Burns documentary Leonardo, premiering fall 2024. The deadline was March 4, 2024. The competition is now closed. -
Arts and Humanities
Iconic America Community Engagement Grants
WETA is offering station community engagement grants of up to $15,000 to support the upcoming series Iconic America. This grant is now closed. -
Arts and Humanities
Cultural and Community Resilience (CCR)
New NEH grant supports preserving cultural knowledge in the face of climate change and/or the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants for oral history and other digital documentation of marginalized communities affected may be up to $150,000. We expect to see the next competition with applications in February 2025 and a deadline in May 2025. -
Arts and Humanities
Dangers and Opportunities of Technology: Perspectives from the Humanities (DOT)
NEH will fund 9-12 awards of up to $150,000 for podcasts, online videos, websites and other resources that examine how current social and cultural issues are significantly shaped by technology. We expect to see new guidelines in June 2025, with a deadline of September 4, 2025. -
Arts and Humanities
VMM Public Media Fund
With funding from CPB, Vision Maker Media provides grants of up to $150,000 for research and development, production and post-production work on content for public television that represents the cultures, experiences, and perspectives of Native Americans and Alaska Natives. This competition is now closed. The deadline was February 11, 2022. -
Arts and Humanities
Major Collaborative Archival Initiatives
Up to $350,000 is available through this National Archives program that supports improving the public discovery and use of major historical records collections. This competition is now closed. -
Arts and Humanities
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Mellon Foundation was identified as one of the top funders of journalism and public media by Inside Philanthropy in 2021. They are a longtime funder of public broadcasters, including arts programming. -
Arts and Humanities
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Mellon is a long standing funder of public broadcasting. Program areas include Arts and Culture, Journalism, and Higher Learning. They have invested significantly in arts organizations during the pandemic. -
Arts and Humanities
Publishing Historical Records in Collaborative Digital Editions
Up to $160,000 is available from the National Archives to publish online editions of historical records. Note that due to financial limitations, the program will only accept proposals from current or past grantees in 2025. There will be two deadlines in 2025, in May and November. -
Arts and Humanities
Benjamin Franklin Community Engagement grants
WETA will offer $10,000 station grants for community engagement around the upcoming Benjamin Franklin program, airing in April 2022. This funding opportunity closed on January 13, 2022. -
Arts and Humanities
American Rescue Plan Grants to Organizations
This funding opportunity closed on August 12, 2021.