K - 12 Education
Personnel Development To Improve Services And Results For Children With Disabilities
This program provides funds to address the need for qualified special education personnel and ensure that those personnel are well-equipped to serve students. Deadline varies. -
K - 12 Education
Arts in Education: Professional Development for Arts Educators
This Department of Education program will award up to $375,000 for professional development programs for arts educators. Deadline was May 30, 2017. -
K - 12 Education
Education Innovation and Research
This Department of Education program seeks innovative approaches to improving education achievement and attainment for high-need students. Deadline was April 2, 2019. -
K - 12 Education
Grants to Local Educational Agencies for Military-Connected Academic and Support Programs
This Department of Defense program will award $250,000 to $1,250,000 to support education for students from military families. Deadline was May 2, 2018. -
K - 12 Education
The Statewide Data Infrastructure Project for Arts Education
This cooperative agreement project from the NEA will develop a tool to better extract data and produce reports about states' arts education. Deadline was April 2, 2017.
K - 12 Education
National Professional Development Program
This Department of Education program will award up to $550,000 for projects that create professional development opportunities for educators of English language learners. Deadline was April 24, 2017. -
K - 12 Education
STEM-C Partnerships
This NSF program supported partnerships that promote effective K-12 STEM education in both formal and informal settings. Deadline was May 1, 2019. -
K - 12 Education
Innovative Approaches to Literacy Program
The DOE will make awards totaling over $26 million for projects designed to increase K-12 student achievement. Deadline was May 9, 2016. -
K - 12 Education
Digital Projects For The Public
This NEH grant provides up to $400,000 for websites, mobile applications, games and virtual environments that contribute to the public’s engagement in the humanities. We expect to see the next competition with a deadline of June 11, 2025. (Optional draft due May 11, 2025). -
K - 12 Education
US Ignite
This NSF program supports the development of education, health and public safety applications to be used over broadband infrastructure. Deadline was June 14, 2016. -
K - 12 Education
Demonstrating Community Engagement Opens Up New Funding Opportunities in Education and Beyond
January 2016. Following up on our most recent webinar, this article addresses how community engagement activities can generate partnerships and help stations find funding. -
K - 12 Education
Marine Debris Prevention Through Education and Outreach
Applicants to this NOAA program can receive funding for education and outreach activities focused on reducing marine debris. Deadline was January 19, 2016. -
K - 12 Education
Ready To Learn Television Grant
Every five years, the Ready To Learn program opens for a new competition. The program funds instructional programming for preschool and elementary school children and their families. The deadline was June 15, 2020. -
K - 12 Education
Walmart Foundation
Good prospect for local, statewide or national grants for workforce training, especially for veterans and women. -
K - 12 Education
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Grants support news literacy, journalist training, civic education and engagement, and veterans issues.