Carolyn Edwards
Vegas PBS, Las Vegas, Nevada
Carolyn Edwards served for 10 years as a board member of Vegas PBS.
Edwards has a deep personal passion for advancing the cause of public service broadcasting exemplified by her personal commitment to frequent and direct legislative communications, major annual gift and testamentary commitments. She has provided thoughtful insights to the station manager of Vegas PBS on legislative strategies and joint solicitation partnerships that have opened doors and yielded results at both the state and federal level.
Edwards is actively involved in a wide range of interests including technology applications, charitable giving and capital plans, programming and outreach, educational services, and legislative and regulatory matters. Her interests and experience are very wide ranging and helpful.
Edwards worked for many years in social work in Pennsylvania and Virginia. After moving to Nevada, she became very active with good government nonprofits, policy organizations, and local politics -- particularly as they effect education. She elevates board meeting discussions by focusing discussions on policy matters.
Edwards was an elected Trustee of the Clark County School District from 2007 to 2019, appointed member of the Southern Nevada Regional Planning Commission, Chairperson of the Clark County Debt Management Commission, and Nevada Commissioner on the Education Commission of the States. As President of the Nevada School Boards Association, Edwards traveled extensively to perform her commitment to visit every school board in the state for at least one meeting.
Edwards holds a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and religion from Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, and a Master’s degree in social work from Rutgers University.